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IRC Republicans for Life

FRIDAY, June 28, 2024

Meet the Speaker

School Board Candidates

Kevin McDonald and Bob Macallum

Join us at the Vero Beach Yacht and Country Club Friday at 12:00 on June 28 to hear and ask questions of candidates running for school board positions in Indian River County.
Local School boards have become a pivotal target for reclaiming our freedoms and American identity across the nation as conservatives push back against the agenda to brainwash children for future generations of Marxism and socialism.

Vero Beach Yacht Club
3601 Rio Vista Blvd.
Vero Beach, FL. 32963

Gathering 11:30a.m. — Noon
Meeting begins at Noon
12:15p.m. Luncheon

($25.00 each)

Chicken picata

Shepherd's Pie

Salmon Salad Nicoise

Chef’s Choice Dessert

Drinks: Iced Tea, Coffee, & Water
Note: Other drinks can be served but you are responsible for the price.

It is very important for you to call in your reservation by noon on Wednesday, March 20th
to Connie Poppell at: (772) 562-1299 or email conipop45@gmail.com

Kindly have exact cash or check made out ahead of time. Your attention to this matter is greatly appreciated.

Our 2024 Membership Dues is Due. Please mail your $25 check to:
IRC Republicans for Life
P.O. Box 6818

The Indian River County Republicans for Life is a conservative political organization chartered through the Republican Party of Florida. As our name suggests, our entire purpose is to promote the pro-life movement, celebrating and defending life from conception to natural death.

In order to carry out our mission, we seek to:

  • Educate voters about pro-life issues including the various stages of fetal development.
  • Inform our membership about legislation affecting the unborn, the handicapped and the elderly.
  • Energize our members to actively participate in pro-life events.
  • Influence elections and legislation by supporting pro-life candidates and bills.
  • Engage our culture via media and other public forums.

  • Impact our community by advocating in support of the pro-life cause.

The IRC Republicans for Life hosts a luncheon meeting at the Vero Beach Yacht Club on the fourth Friday of each month except for July and August (during non-election years). The dates of our November and December meetings are flexible due to the holiday season. At each luncheon, special speakers address our membership and guests about important topics that are pertinent to the pro-life movement.

Our Board of Trustees meet the first Wednesday of each month at 2:00p.m.

Rev. Dr. Brad Klostreich is currently the President of Republicans for Life.

Elderly man hugging granddaughter
Infant being held up in the air
A girl with Downs Syndrome hugging her father
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